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Transform digital experiences with generative AI Intelligent videoaudio Q&A

Transform digital experiences with generative AI: Intelligent video/audio Q&A (Level 200)
Videos remain as one of the common and powerful mediums for immersive user experiences and higher engagement level. However, majority of the digital assets lack informative metadata needed for effective content search. Thus, many organizations today still need to analyze different segments of the whole file and discover the concepts which can be time consuming and requires a lot of manual effort. This session demonstrates how to build an automated solution, enabling users to ask questions and get relevant responses from the video database even if these assets are in the form of non-text content, or have limited metadata. We demonstrate how this solution provides the response quickly and locate the videos with the specific timestamp of the content that are most relevant to the user’s request.
Melanie Li, PhD, Senior AI/ML Specialist Technical Account Manager, AWS
Sam Edwards, Cloud Support Engineer, AWS