Optimize and modernize SQL Server on AWS

Modernizing legacy SQL Server databases can be time-consuming and resource-intensive because there is often more work to do to migrate the application itself, including re-writing application code that interacts with the database. This session outlines the benefits of running SQL Server on AWS to achieve scalability, high availability, and disaster recovery, and manage licensing costs. We discuss one of the strategies that typically involves application changes and modernizing by using open-source databases or databases built for the cloud, and how to avoid expensive licenses (resulting in lower costs), vendor lock-in periods, and audits. The session includes the demo which provides you the practical perspective on how to use Babelfish for Aurora PostgreSQL, and start running queries in a fraction of the time associated with traditional database migration and optimize your licensing spend. Download slides », Download demo »
Sri Attanayake, Principal Partner Solutions Architect, AWS
Rita Ladda, Microsoft Specialist Solutions Architect, AWS