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Millisecond access to archival data on Amazon S3

Customers are storing petabytes of archival data in Amazon S3 and the default choice for archival is Amazon S3 Glacier or Glacier Deep Archive for low-cost data archiving and long-term backup. Besides archival, organizations are also looking at the retrieval of archive data with immediate access such as news content in M&E vertical or any business-critical archival data with low RTO. This session outlines how to select the right storage class on Amazon S3. Uncover what is the decision criteria, right approach and cost-effective method to migrate from offline to online archives within Amazon S3 Storage classes. The session also includes customer use case who migrated petabytes of offline archive to online archive to deliver better customer experience and cost savings. Download slides », Download demo »

Ameen Khan, Storage Specialist Solutions Architect, AWS
Manoj Kalyanaraman, CTO, Dropsuite