Build a robust data lifecycle management and disaster recovery strategy on AWS

Build a robust data lifecycle management and disaster recovery strategy on AWS (Level 200)
Join this session as we dive deep into the pillars for the data lifecycle management strategy, so you can always have access to relevant, accurate, and searchable information that is used to make data-driven decisions. We cover the solutions from AWS to support every step of the data journey, so you can move your data efficiently and securely to the cloud. This session includes customer sharing by Autodesk as they share how they built a disaster recovery cross region site for their production data on Amazon S3. Autodesk team walks through how they successfully migrated and managed 1PB of existing data with total of 6 billion objects. Find out their cost optimized and robust approach to migrate existing data between the regions. We also explain how to run validation post migration to ensure good data in the region, while adhering to business continuity.
Ameen Khan, Senior Storage Specialist Solutions Architect, AWS
Liang Wenqi, Senior Software Development Engineer, Autodesk
Bhanu Prakash P, Principal Engineer, Autodesk