Closing Keynote - Accelerate rapid innovation with modern applications

To keep growing and winning business, organizations need to invent new digital products, create new customer experiences and adapt to the changing needs and demands of their customers. This session provides a recap of the days' sessions and addresses some of the commonly asked questions on modern applications. Learn why modern application development practices is pivotal to an organization’s growth and how organizations can realize ongoing benefits of the cloud through modernization of their applications, data, and infrastructure. We also share best practices on how organizations with the use of microservices, containers, and serverless technologies can unlock innovation, increase agility, and enable faster time to market. Download slides »
Dean Samuels, Chief Technologist, ASEAN, AWS
Kris Howard, Head of Dev Relations, APJ, AWS
Donnie Prakoso, Principal Developer Advocate, AWS
Derek Bingham, Senior Developer Advocate, AWS