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Increase fault-tolerance of high-scale applications with AWS Fault Injection Simulator (FIS)

In this session, we cover how AWS services can be leveraged to implement fault-tolerance, scalability, and cost optimization in application compute infrastructure. Through the demo, we showcase the use of Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling and Amazon EC2 Spot Instances for cost optimization, scale and high availability. We use AWS FIS to improve resiliency and application performance. We share how chaos engineering can be used to increase fault-tolerance against spot interruptions. As part of the solution demo, we also demonstrate how auto scaling group features like capacity rebalancing, lifecycle hooks, and dynamic scaling policies can improve capacity management. Download slides »

AWS services: AWS Fault Injection Simulator, Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling, Amazon EC2 Spot

Ashwini Kumar, Amazon EC2 Spot Specialist Solutions Architect, AISPL
Somnath Chatterjee, Senior Technical Account Manager, AISPL