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Build full-stack web applications using AWS Amplify Studio

A minimum viable product (MVP) allows organizations to test market demand, iterate quickly, trying new concepts to see what works well for early adopters without investing large amounts of time and money. In this session, learn how to use Amplify Studio, a set of purpose-built tools and features that lets frontend web and mobile developers quickly and easily build full-stack applications on AWS. We share how to visually build data models and create a full-fledged API backend with a persistent store. We demonstrate how to create a React frontend app and integrate it with the backend to build up a MVP. To get to market faster and scale as your business grows, we explore adding features such as authentication and analytics with ease. Download slides »
Arun Balaji, Prototyping Architect, AISPL
Sathish Hariharan, Senior Startup Solutions Architect, AISPL