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Confidential computing with AWS Nitro Enclaves

Today, organizations need high-level of security for their data and encryption keys for data protection. Data breaches can cost millions in loss of revenue and downtime, negatively impact consumer trust, and brand reputation in significant ways. Confidential computing isolates sensitive information and puts it in a separate, protected enclave and no one can access the data, except an attested piece of application code. AWS Nitro Enclaves is the solution to modernize application infrastructure. It moves confidential computing from on-premise HSM based devices to the AWS cloud, making them cost effective and scalable. In this demo, we share how AWS Nitro Enclaves enables customers to create modern applications with isolated compute environments to protect and securely process highly sensitive data and private keys. We explain how AWS Nitro Enclaves cryptographic attestation can ensure only authorized code is running, and integration with the AWS Key Management Service, to access sensitive material. Gain a firm understanding of the various application components required to build a confidential computing solution based on AWS Nitro Enclave. The demo also covers use cases for multi-party computation (MPC), blockchain, machine learning (ML), crypto, secure wallet, and banking transactions. Download slides »

AWS services: AWS Nitro Enclaves, AWS Key Management Service
Sakthi Srinivasan, Prototyping Manager, AISPL
K V, Sureshkumar, Prototyping Architect, AISPL