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Builders Zone - Cicerone - Redefine biking using IoT and AI

Using the best of AI and IoT- Cicerone gathers real-time data from bikes/wearables and other connected devices using AWS IoT core. Learn how AWS IoT Analytics enriches this data with external data sources such as a weather forecast, map, or related services, and sends that data to Amazon S3. A lambda function then runs inferences on a trained model hosted on AWS to provide recommendations for the best route. It can also send notifications to bikers, if required, using Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS). Find out how Cicerone also integrates with Amazon QuickSight to provide interesting statistics based on both real-time and historical data in Amazon S3.

AWS Services: Amazon Forecast, Amazon SageMaker, AWS IoT Core, AWS IoT Events, AWS IoT Greengrass, AWS IoT Analytics, Amazon S3, AWS Lambda, Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS)

Gaurav Sahi, Senior Manager, Solutions Architect, AISPL
Gaurav Singh, Senior Solutions Architect, ISV, AISPL

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